主演:丹妮艾拉·皮内达 詹妮安·加罗法洛 艾丽·拉蒙特
简介:15年前,玛丽娜·赫斯(Marina Hess)为了变出一个名叫默茜·布莱克(Mercy Black)的虚构幽灵,捅死了一名同学。她从精神病院出院,和她的姐姐和小侄子住在一起。但在她犯罪后的这些年里,关于Mercy Black的神话已经在网上疯传,激发了人们的灵感,有传言、有故事,甚至还有模仿她的犯罪行为。玛丽娜被她所做的事情和她想象的幽灵所困扰。尽管她宁愿把过去埋葬,她的侄子变得越来越痴迷于怜悯布莱克。为了救他,玛丽娜必须面对她的过去,揭开仁慈·布莱克背后的真相。她所发现的是一个非常真实和非常致命的恐怖,将不惜一切代价要求她和她的侄子。
主演:丹妮艾拉·皮内达 詹妮安·加罗法洛 艾丽·拉蒙特
简介:Fifteen years after stabbing a classmate to conjure an imaginary phantom known as Mercy Black, Marina Hess is coming home. She"s being released from psychiatric care to live with her sister and young nephew. But in the years since her crime, the myth of Mercy Black has gone viral inspiring internet rumors, stories, and even copycat crimes. Marina is haunted by what she has done and the phantom she imagined. Though she would rather leave the past buried, her nephew becomes increasingly obsessed with Mercy Black. To save him, Marina must face her past and uncover the truth behind Mercy Black. What she discovers is a very real and very deadly horror that will stop at nothing to claim her and her nephew.
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