主演:约翰·休斯顿 彼得·博格丹诺维奇 苏珊·斯塔丝伯格 奥雅·柯达
简介:《风的另一侧》的演员包括约翰·休斯顿、彼得·博格丹诺维奇、莉莉·帕尔默,以及威尔斯当时的女友奥佳·柯达,拍摄时间在1970-1976年之间,可以说,在威尔斯生命的最后15年,他的心血都在这部影片上。但由于资金的问题,加上威尔斯希望自己能够全权掌控整个过程,却始终不能如愿,以至他最终没能完成电影的制作,只是留下一段时长42分钟的短片和部分素材。威尔斯于1985年逝世,后来,该片版权到了Red Road Entertainment手中,他们认为,《风的另一侧》作为威尔斯生前最后一部电影,是电影考古学的重要部分,如果不能让它重见天日,便永远无法完整地理解威尔斯的电影生涯和艺术遗产。在他诞辰100周年之际,推出这个电影众筹项目也算是时机不错。一本关于这部电影的新书《奥逊·威尔斯的最后一部电影》也同时发行,作者Josh Karp谈及《风的另一侧》,“这就像发现了奥兹国仙境或消失已久的坟墓。这部电影正说明了艺术源自生活、生活反照艺术。它现在之所以变得如此传奇,是因为太多人参与其中希望完成影片,却又一次次地遭遇失败。”
主演:苏珊·斯塔丝伯格 Ronald Lewis 安·托德 克里斯托弗·李
导演:Seth Holt
简介:Penny Applebee's parents were divorced when she was quite young and she grew up with her mother. After her mother's death, the wheelchair-bound Penny has accepted her father's invitation to live with him. She arrives only to learn that her father is away though her stepmother - who she is meeting for the first time - proves to be quite welcoming. On her first night however, she sees a light in the summerhouse and upon investigation, sees her father sitting there, apparently dead. Others can find nothing there and tell her she must have imagined it. She later sees his body in library and then again in the pool. She comes to believe that her stepmother and her father's friend, Doctor Pierre Gerard, are plotting to drive her insane. She gets a sympathetic ear from Bob, the chauffeur, who feels there has to be some rational explanation for what has been happening.
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