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 The hit Irish comedy from producers Vico Films will be back on BBC Three for a third series in the new year. Created by Peter Foott, The Young Offenders tells the coming of age adventures of Conor (Alex Murphy) & Jock (Chris Walley) and their mother/guardian Mairead (Hilary Rose) as she tries to keep them on the straight and narrow.  The best friends navigate their awkward teenage years, hatching plans and adventures to help distract from their tough home lives and their inability to stay out of trouble.  The whole second series launched as a BBC iPlayer box-set earlier this month and has picked up an amazing 4.1 million requests so far. Combined with the 13.5 million for series one and last year’s Christmas special, that over 17.6 million requests to date.  Kate Daughton, Head of BBC Comedy, says: "Young Offenders is spit-your-tea out funny and heartbreakingly emotional. A rare combination that’s testament to the talents and passion of a very special cast, crew and writing team, led by creator and show-runner Peter Foott. We can’t wait to share series three - Cork’s finest have never looked finer."  Fiona Campbell, Controller BBC Three, says: "At BBC Three, we love championing local voices and The Young Offenders are a brilliant success story for us. With great characters and on-point writing that is hugely relatable to our audience, we’re delighted they’re coming back for another series."  Peter Foott, creator of The Young Offenders, says: "We are so grateful to BBC Three and thrilled that they had such faith in the stories and characters of The Young Offenders that they commissioned a third series from us. We had a lot of fun filming series two and three back to back over the summer in Cork, and we can"t wait for everyone to see more of Conor, Jock, Mairead and all the characters next year in our third series.  "We"ve been amazed at the huge reaction to series two so far, and we"re so happy that we can officially announce that there"s more on the way for fans of the show."  The Young Offenders has been commissioned for BBC Three by Fiona Campbell, Controller of BBC Three and Shane Allen, Controller, BBC Comedy Commissioning. The Commissioner for the BBC is Alex Moody. The Executive Producer for Vico Films is Peter Foott, the Producer is Tim Whitby.  The Young Offenders series two continues on Monday nights on BBC One and is available on BBC Three & BBC iPlayer. 展开全部


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  • 第8集

    Last Days of the Space Age

    Jesse Spencer Radha Mitchell 

  • 第04集


    凯瑟琳·哈恩 奥布瑞·普拉扎 乔·洛克 帕蒂·卢波恩 萨西尔·扎玛塔 阿丽·安 黛布拉·乔·拉普 迈尔斯·古铁雷斯-赖利 艾玛·考尔菲德 玛丽亚·迪齐亚 Holly Bonney 布莱恩·布莱曼 凯特·福布斯 保罗·安德斯坦 

  • 第3集


    里图·阿亚 西恩·哈里斯 安娜·乌拉鲁 卡尔·柯林斯 森本渚 卡米莉·拉瑟福德 埃马纽埃尔·贝克特 陶菲克·杰拉巴 萨缪尔·W·霍奇森 尼森·威科克斯 杰里米·科维尔罗 

  • 第4集


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  • 第03集


    迭戈·卡尔瓦 华金·科西奥 奥斯卡·贾恩那达 

  • 第4集


    肖恩·沃德 凯瑟琳·泰德斯蕾 克莱尔·斯维尼 Geoffery Breton 

  • 第1集

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